Search for tag: "nih grant"

07.11.23 NIH Research Performance Program

Learn the process of preparing an NIH Research Performance Progress Report, RPPR components and subcomponents, manage un-obligated funds, and how to submit the RPPR information to Grants…

From  Jose Hernandez 0 likes 47 plays

06.06.23 Data Sharing Plan

NIH has mandated that all applicants provide a Data Management & Sharing (DMS) plan after Jan 25, 2023. This DMS plan details in 6 steps how scientific data will be preserved and shared. In this…

From  Jose Hernandez 0 likes 23 plays

Intro to Components of an NIH Grant-How to Use NIH RePORTER 03.15.22

In this 60-minute lecture, Dorothy Lewis, PhD, will introduce components of a typical NIH grant, cover the most important parts of the grant that are considered in the score, and focus on the…

From 0 likes 50 plays

Introduction to NIH Grant Components 11.02.21

In this 60-minute lecture, Dr. Dorothy Lewis will introduce components of a typical NIH grant, cover the most important parts of the grant that are considered in the score, and focus on the Specific…

From 0 likes 31 plays